The Pentagon is a digital pastime that generates in person a reflection on 1) its most influential stressors and 2) its own influence on them.Stress, when repeated, becomes chronic. In this condition he contributes to physical problems (eg, allergies, constipation, sleep problems) and abnormal mental states (eg, anxiety, depression). The dynamics of this set amplifies or generates chronic pain.There are hundreds of proposals on how to combat, reduce or alleviate the effects of chronic stress. The problem is that, as a rule, the stressed out does not stop to consider them - precisely because they are stressed.A feasible first step towards controlling or curing stress is therefore to take advantage of a brief stop in everyday life to reflect on what is happening in a playful and easy way.Using the Pentagon takes 3, 7, 10 minutes at the most. The person reviews the most present stressors in his life - the stressors - and selects the 5 most important ones. She then assesses how much she could soften or eliminate each of them.The result of this exercise, executed playfully by moving icons on the screen of the phone or tablet, identifies 1) very influential stressors on which the person has influence; and 2) very influential stressors over which the person lacks influence.In the next step, the person is invited to reflect on these two outputs. In the first case: her having influence over a very influential stressor, how did she allow her to harm her life? In the second case, where the person lacks influence over a very influential stressor, the question is another: how to soften or get out of this "dead end."In the end, the five stressors are classified so that the person perceives the extent to which his / her stress comes from outside (eg, family or employment problems) or from his / her mind (eg, intolerance, pessimism).The Pentagon has no therapeutic or action purposes. Their only pretension is to make one reflect superficially on their most influential stressors, and what they can do about them to protect their physical and mental health.